Exhibitors catalogue
Journal «Rynok APK»
Address400001, г. Волгоград, ул. Канунникова, д. 6/1, оф. 204
DescriptionThe Agroindustrial Complex Market magazine has been published since 2003. The Agroindustrial Complex Market is a specialized magazine for managers, agronomists, and engineers working in the agro-industrial complex. The magazine is distributed to subscribers by free mailing list in Russia, with a circulation of 18,000 copies, monthly. Therefore, the information is always relevant. Anyone can subscribe to the magazine for free, right on the website https://rynok-apk.ru/
Agrarian Science
Address109147, г. Москва, ул. Марксистская, д. 3, стр. 7
Phone+7 (495) 7776 67 (доб. 1453)
DescriptionJournal covers scientific achievements of researchers in pertinent issues of agriculture
«Magazin Agrobusiness» is a federal agricultural publication in Russia.
Address Phone8-800-500-35-90
E-mailsales@agbz.ru, agbz@agbz.ru
DescriptionIn the magazine you will find up-to-date information about agricultural machinery, livestock and crop production, seeds, fertilizers, new technologies. Read market reviews, interviews with heads of agricultural enterprises. The readers of the publication are agricultural holdings, peasant farms in the field of crop production, vegetable growing, animal husbandry, horticulture, and protected ground. The magazine is distributed by paid subscription throughout Russia, as well as at a large number of agricultural events. The circulation of each issue is 10,000 copies.
Address127018, Россия, г. Москва, ул. Полковая, д. 3, стр.4
Phone E-mailagro@agroinvestor.ru
DescriptionAgroinvestor is a project that brings together Russia's leading magazine for owners of agricultural companies, top managers and investors in the agro-industrial complex, a website and conferences. These are unique texts on a wide range of topics: strategies for the development of agribusiness and companies; estimates and forecasts of the dynamics of agricultural markets; analysis of M&A and investment projects and much more. Periodicity: 12 times per year. Circulation: 4 thousand copies
AddressМосква, а/я 16, 123007
Phone+7 916 305-10-14
DescriptionThe target audience of the magazine is top managers and professionals in agribusiness. Main topics are poultry, dairy and beef cattle, pig production, mixed feed production and feeding, animal breeding, veterinary service and equipment. Goes monthly, except August. Topical issues «Poultry», «Pigs», «Dairy and beef cattle» are published yearly.